Solstice Self-Care Ritual
What an honour to be invited to write a guest blog! Wendy and I often remark on how much yoga and therapy have in common, we love chatting about the importance of the body-mind connection and how an awareness of…
Growing up with Social Media and its Impact on Mental Health
The use of technology and social media has become the norm in the majority of lives nowadays. Growing up, children, adolescents and teenagers are exposed to social media and digital platforms as part of their day to day, with adolescents…
Autumn is a time for letting go
The beautiful autumnal colours and falling leaves make me think of letting go. Is there something you need to let go of? This could be a negative pattern of thought or behaviour; a coping mechanism that is no longer serving…
Recognising when “not enough” is actually “too much” – My story with addiction.
The NHS definition of addiction is: ‘Not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it may be harmful to you.’[1] This can be in the form of anything, drugs, alcohol, exercise, work etc. Addictions may be…
The Escalation of Eating Disorders post-Covid
I happened to write this article on mental health day, and I wondered how many of us even thought about eating disorders despite it having the second highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorders. 1 10,200 deaths each year are the direct result…
When the phrase ‘That sounds tough’ could be a life saver
Have you ever had suicidal thoughts? Suicidal feelings can affect anyone, regardless of their background, age, gender, ethnicity. The phrase ‘suicidal feelings’ covers a wide range of experience. At one end of the scale, it might mean that you, or…
Are you suffering from Post-Lockdown Fatigue or Anxiety?
There have been positives during the lockdowns, such as families spending more time together. But there are those families that have gone without seeing loved ones, and many single people who have felt the effects of isolation, not to mention…
The Healing Power of Touch
Haven’t we all missed being touched, hugged or simply the feel of someone’s hand on our arm over the last year during Covid restrictions? We have been deprived of this basic human connection and sensory stimulation for too long! But…
Misogyny and Sexual Harassment
The tragic case of Sarah Everard has prompted a well overdue discussion about women’s safety, men’s behaviour, and has empowered many women to share their own experiences. Why do Men Behave in this Way? It cannot be denied that gender…
Our new guest blogger, Emily Spillane, talks about loneliness at university
In my own experience, going to university was one of the loneliest times of my life. Although I was surrounded by people and friends, I could not shake the feeling that I used to wake up to everyday – that…