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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Benefits of Sunlight: What you can do to help

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1. Looking for books on depression?
2. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Benefits of Sunlight: What you can do to help

What is SAD?

Light is nature’s anti-depressant. We are all familiar with the hazards of sun exposure, but not enough sun can also be problematic.  Firstly, lack of light can reduce levels of serotonin (one of the ‘happy’ hormones), resulting in seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression. “Sunlight cues special areas in the retina, which triggers the release of serotonin”.1

SAD has also been known as ‘Winter Depression’. It is distinguished due to seasonal patterns, with feelings of depression during the winter months and remission of these feelings during spring and summer. It is understood that the reduced exposure to sunlight may have an effect on properties of the brain, resulting in :

  • reduced levels of Serotonin, known as the ‘happy’ hormone);
  • reduced levels of Melatonin which affects our sleep-wake cycle; and
  • disruption to our Circadian Rhythm, the body’s internal clock. 2

Sunshine definitely helps our mood – it’s easy to witness how we Brits seem happier, more relaxed and even friendlier when the sun is shining! No matter  what our UK weather is doing, getting outside, whilst combining this with exercise such as walking, even for short periods in low light can help our health.  You can also buy a special lamp called a light box which stimulates exposure to sunlight.

Secondly, almost all the vitamin D in our bodies is made by exposing bare skin to sunlight, and research has now shown that the lack of sunlight in the UK, combined with over-use of high factor sun creams, can cause health issues.In the UK, sunlight doesn’t contain enough UVB radiation in winter (October to early March) for our skin to be able to make vitamin D.” 3

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium to make healthy bones, and it can also boost the immune system, alleviate depression, and can help in the prevention of cancer and autoimmune diseases.  If you suffer from low mood during winter months, try taking a D3 vitamin supplement; it is almost impossible to get sufficient vitamin D from our diet.

What you may experience with SAD?

As any psychological difficulty, signs and symptoms may differ from person to person and season to season. However, symptoms may include the following:

  • Low mood and energy
  • Lack of ability to concentrate
  • Irritability 
  • Change in appetite 
  • Change in sleep patterns 
  • Loss of pleasure in day-to-day activities 
  • Feelings of loss, guilt, or worthlessness

Symptoms may also exacerbate other mental illnesses you may be suffering from if you are already struggling. 

What can help?

If you feel you do suffer from SAD, try to put in place some of the following measures:

  • Getting outside as much as possible (even on cloudy days)
  • Lifestyle measures, especially regular exercise, a balanced diet, sleep and stress management
  • Light Therapy eg using a SAD lamp
  • Adding vitamin D3 as a supplement to your diet
  • Talking Therapies eg counselling
  • Complementary Therapies which can boost your mood and improve your immune system
  • Yoga and Mindulfness practices
  • Medication 

By Wendy Bramham and Julie Ferris


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