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Psychotropic Medication and Psychotherapy

Psychotropic Medication and Psychotherapy with Dr Adrian Hayes MRCPsych (November 2023 – Online)

Recording available.

Dr Adrian Hayes, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, introduced the broad categories of psychiatric medication including uses; how they work; their effects; and side effects. A few of us (as non-scientists) were concerned that Dr Hayes’ presentation might be delivered as a ‘dry’ lecture on bio-chemistry. On the contrary! Dr Hayes was excellent at making complex information palatable and easy to grasp. Additionally, he made it clear from the outset that he wanted delegates to interrupt him with their many questions – which he then answered in full. This made the online training event highly interactive, lively and engaging. Delegates were able to receive handouts with full details of all psychiatric medications, including medication prescribed for non psychological reasons, but which can have a huge impact on the patient’s mental state.  

Dr Hayes’ vast NHS experience, working with patients with complex needs and those at high risk, was apparent and impressive. He encouraged the delegates to explore their clients’ relationship with prescribed or non-prescribed medication. Dr Hayes answered delegate questions such as: what to consider when discussing medication with therapy clients; suicidality and young people; ADHD and autism; psilocybin; Covid vaccinations; complex trauma and brain functioning; CBD and cannabis.

Adrian Hayes’ teaching style was relaxed, interactive and highly informative. He was so popular that Bramham Therapy has already decided to invite him back for a CPD on a different topic, so watch this space!

A RECORDING OF THIS TRAINING EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE AT JUST £30, available to re-watch or download. Full slides and medication spreadsheet is included.

Dr Adrian Hayes is a Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Consultant in Medical Psychotherapy for Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. He has training and experience in medicine, psychiatry, and a variety of therapeutic modalities including psychodynamic psychotherapy, group analysis, MBT (mentalization-based therapy), CAT (cognitive-analytic therapy) and the Democratic Therapeutic Community model in prisons. He works predominantly with members of NHS mental health services who identify with complex trauma and personality disorder, particularly those with a high level of risk and complexity.


Average feedback scores from our event:

Organisation of event: 4.5 out of 5

Speaker: 4.5 out of 5


Feedback from our event:

“What a fantastic and engaging speaker Adrian is – this was a fascinating and extremely helpful workshop and I would very much be interested in a longer session because there is so much to explore in this topic.”

“Good intro as I struggle to think about meds and get quite lost in the science – this made a tricky topic more relatable for me. Really engaging day”

“A much more detailed understanding of the medications I hear about in therapy.”

“Adrian’s very personable manner and ease of explaining complicated medical subjects was particularly helpful, he was a really interesting, relatable speaker who gave us so much information and listened and responded really attentively.”

“It was helpful to learn about the link between suicide and different meds, side effects and a bit about the synaptic section of the brain / chemicals released etc.”

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