Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Benefits of Sunlight: What you can do to help
What is SAD? Light is nature’s anti-depressant. We are all familiar with the hazards of sun exposure, but not enough sun can also be problematic. Firstly, lack of light can reduce levels of serotonin (one of the ‘happy’ hormones), resulting in seasonal affective…
When the phrase ‘That sounds tough’ could be a life saver
Have you ever had suicidal thoughts? Suicidal feelings can affect anyone, regardless of their background, age, gender, ethnicity. The phrase ‘suicidal feelings’ covers a wide range of experience. At one end of the scale, it might mean that you, or…
Looking for books on depression?
Here are three top picks from Bramham Therapy: Shoot the Damn Dog, by Sally Brampton A searingly honest account of what it’s really like to live with depression day to day by former journalist, Sally Brampton. In this book we…