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Alistair Campbell
Alistair Campbell who has suffered from depression

Looking for books on depression?

depression and anxiety
1. Looking for books on depression?
2. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Benefits of Sunlight: What you can do to help

Here are three top picks from Bramham Therapy:

Shoot the Damn Dog, by Sally Brampton

A searingly honest account of what it’s really like to live with depression day to day by former journalist, Sally Brampton. In this book we travel with the author through loss, breakdown, rehab and therapy. “If there is any lesson I have learned from depression, it is this: We have to let go – of self-pity, anger and blame,” writes Brampton. Life is what it is… and the best way to deal with it is gently.”

I Had a Black Dog, by Matthew Johnstone

This is a very accessible cartoon-style book, with beautiful illustrations, exploring depression as, in Winston Chrurchill’s famous phrase, a ‘black dog’ that follows you around. Johnstone explores life with depression in tow, and even starts to befriend it. 

Better to Live, by Alastair Campbell (out in May 2020)

This autobiographical account of depression by former Labour spin doctor, Alastair Campbell, is due out in May and promises to be a candid personal account of depression, alcoholism and suicidality. “I passionately believe that …  speaking honestly about our feelings and experiences (whether as a depressive or as the friend or relative of a depressive) is the first and best step on the road to recovery,” says Campbell. We’ll review the book here.

Here’s a link to Alistair Campbell’s brave disclosure to Tony Blair about his depression, and why talking is important for social change:

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