We enjoyed an interesting and thought provoking in-person seminar with our host, Briony Martin. The…
Handwriting as a resource for understanding a person's psyche and health
Christina Strang, graphologist, competently led our seminar on 14th March 2015, illustrating how the formal study of handwriting can reveal issues such as emotional attachment patterns, the regulation of feelings, self-esteem, past history and health concerns.
We learned that we have to develop an overall picture of someone’s handwriting before an understanding can be reached. The four main areas to analyse include:
a) the slant: a right slant suggests the person is outgoing, positive and heart-led; an upright slant might mean independence, balance and skepticism; a left slant suggests a detached observor who is mind-led;
b) the size, suggesting how the person projects themselves and their place in the world
c) the pressure ie contact on the paper, which relates to energy levels;
d) variability/consistency of the handwriting – the more variability the more emotional turmoil the person may be experiencing.
Then there are the 3 “zones” ie upper, middle and lower zones of the letters, which relate to aspects of ourselves such as superego, ego, and unconscious. Ideally, if a person has a balanced and secure sense of self, all three zones would be a similar size.
The seminar was informative, structured and fascinating. Christina engaged the audience well and left us wanting more! She received a fabulous 4.6 out of 5 from 8 feedback forms.
Christina is the only graphologist in the UK who has been granted medical ethics to undertake research into how handwriting can identify disease.
By: Wendy Bramham, March 2015
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