Professor Joy Shaverien, the Jungian analyst and author of Boarding School Syndrome, led a stimulating…
So here we are with the nights drawing in and a frequent nip in the air, this is HarvestTime. A busy period of gathering in and storing up, preceding the gradual slow down as we reflect on the Blooming of the last season and prepare for Wintering again.
We can all have a tendency to focus on external achievements and the tangible, but HarvestTime asks us not only what have we done but what have we learned? Which of the seeds we planted have taken root and flourished? Has something bloomed and is now coming to fruition for us which is more about our inner landscape than our outer? Perhaps we’ve noticed a subtle tiny shift in our thinking or feeling or there has been consolidation of a bigger interior change. Have those shimmering aspects of possibility right on the edges of our awareness become more visible to us and therefore more powerfully part of our lives?
Alongside the fruiting and garnering of Harvest comes the beginning of things falling away. The leaves once green and verdant having served their purpose become dry and ready to let go of their secure branches. Like them we can practise letting go of old ideas and patterns that no longer serve us and trust more consciously in the new insights we’ve grown.
Nature offers us so many useful reminders about how to live: Change is inevitable, circumstances are beyond our control, and sometimes our comprehension, and this can change us forever.
Yet somehow the sun still rises, growth happens and the leaves fall. As we head towards our fallow-time once more may we hold dear the planting, the nourishing, the growing and the blossoming we’ve done this year and let’s light a candle as the dark nights draw in again, a luminous celebration of our own unique Harvest.
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